Here you will find useful information in connection to your online booking and payment. Here is information about how we handle your personal data, how you receive your receipt for your payments and much more.
All prices mentioned in the booking system are, like on the rest of our website, in Danish Kroner incl. VAT and all other payment fees, unless it is informed and clearly reflected in the given situation.
Booking confirmation is sent by email, when booking 50% of the amount is paid and the remaining payment must be made no later than 50 days before arrival, if the booking is made less than 50 days before arrival, the full amount must be paid during booking.
What does a cancellation guarantee consist of:
The cancellation guarantee must be purchased at the same time as you book your holiday.
* An administration fee of DKK 300 plus the cancellation guarantee is deducted.
Cancellation of booking: If you cancel within 3 days of the booking being made, the full amount will always be refunded free of charge.
Cancellation - In case of cancellation please notify this in writing by e-mail:
Force majeure:
If the stay is prevented due to force majeure (natural disasters, strikes, acts of war, epidemics, pandemics, riots and the like), Hasle Camping & Hytteby is not liable for interrupted or unfinished stays.
If you want cancellation insurance in case COVID 19, you must contact your own insurance company.
Your data are secure when you use our online booking system.
In principle you are also safe from misuse of your credit card online. This means that there are no excess fees if someone misuses your credit card online.
We store your name, your address, your email address, and other information provided in connection to your purchase, in our booking system for a period of 5 years. The information is not disclosed or passed on.
We use server-page-cookies and a secure connection to protect the information you provide.
When you pay by credit card the registration is made through a server, where the data are encrypted, before they are sent on through the internet.
If you – for some reason – doesn’t receive your booking confirmation, and you do not receive an error notification, please send us an email or call us on below address or telephone number:
Hasle Camping & Hytteby
Jonas, Jennivel & baby JJ
Du er som forbruger som udgangspunkt sikret i forhold til eventuelt misbrug af dit kreditkort på nettet. Derfor er der ikke nogen selvrisiko ved misbrug af dit betalingskort via internettet. Du kan læse mere om, hvordan du som forbruger skal forholde dig til betalinger på nettet på følgende hjemmeside: Forbrugerstyrelsen. Vi registrerer dit navn, din adresse, din e-mail samt andre oplysninger, afgivet i forbindelse med købet, i bookingsystem i 5 år Oplysningerne videregives ikke, vi anvender serverside cookies og en sikker forbindelse til at skabe sikkerheden om de oplysninger, som du afgiver på siden.
Ved betaling med kreditkort sker registreringen via en server, hvor oplysningerne krypteres før de sendes over internettet. Hvis du af en eller anden grund ikke modtager din bekræftelse, som bekræfter dit køb, og du ikke har modtaget en fejlmeddelelse fra systemet, bedes du skrive eller ringe til nedenstående adresse eller telefonnummer.